Layout Design.

The success of the build process and the relationship with your builder relies on the information you provide them. With our experience, we can help you to provide your builder with just the right amount of information to get the job priced and built.

  • At this stage we will discuss the design further with you and provide advice with regards to Building Control, structural design and utilities (inc. water authorities) 

  • For some projects, sketches with notes will be enough to provide guidance for your builder, others will require layout drawings, which our team can produce for you.

  • Alternatively, we are happy for you to use a local technician or your builder’s draughts-person to produce the drawings (for example, many loft companies do this). We will be able to help you brief them and comment on the drawings they produce, to get the best out of the design and add our experience.

  • We will advise on Party Wall matters and if they relate to your project. We can assist you with draughting agreements yourself using templates, or on appointing the right professional.

  • We will provide you with contacts for other consultants required, including building control inspectors and structural engineers. We will provide you with templates for briefing them and provide advice.